
Demo of the Current Conditions Script in the Weather by You Template.

Current condition: Night time and the Air Coolish, Gentle breeze from the West-Southwest, Temperature Steady, Barometer Rising Slowly.

Actual Weather

Forecast: Settled Fine

Conditions at local time 00:15 on 07 December 2018
Temperature and humidity Freeze:
Apparent Temperature10.1°CLast hour variation (3hrs)0°C
Wet thermometer10.8°CLast hour variation (Falling)-0.2°C
Average Temperature13.1°CDew point8.6°C
Windchill12.0°CChill hours621.7
Humidex13.9°CHeat index13.3°C
SunnyNo UV index0
Current solar max0 W/m2Solar radiation0 W/m2
Cloud base590 mIs sun upNo
Rainfall rate0.0 mm/hrRainfall Today0.0 mm
Rainfall Last Hour0.0 mmRainfall This Month11.1 mm
Rainfall since midnight0.0 mmRainfall This Year1005.5 mm
Rainfall last 24h6.3 mmLast rainfall (2 Hour, 59 Min)2018-12-06 21:16
Current wind speed25.6 km/hWind directionSW
Wind Speed (gust)27.0 km/hWind bearing225°
Wind speed (avg)14.8 km/hWind bearing (avg)246°
Wind bearing range from220° (225°)to320° (315°)
Beaufort scaleF3Gentle breezeWSW
Pressure (sea level)
Barometer1016.3 hPaAltimeter pressure1016.3 hPa
Pressure trend0.5 hPaRising
Sun and Moon
Day length14:48Length of daylight15:51
Moon age28 Day  
Our Location
LatitudeS 39° 02' 42"LongitudeE 177° 25' 35"
Altitude55 m  

Page updated : 7/12/2018 12:15:02 a.m.
powered by Cumulus 1.9.4 (1099)