Updated: @ 07/12/2018 00:15 - Next Update in 00:30  
Temperature Wind Rain Cloud Base
Currently: 13.3, Max: 13.3, Min: 13.0 13.3°C
Overcast, Coolish, Moderate Winds from the West-Southwest.

Feels like: 12°C
  Today Yesterday
High: 13.3°C
Low: 13.0°C
Average Temp: 13.1°C  
Apparent Temp: 10.1°C  
Temp Trend: 0°C  
Temp Range: 0.3°C  
Heat Index: 13.3°C  
Humidex: 13.9°C  
Inside Temp: 21.1°C  
Inside Humidity: 49%  
 Wind from WSW WSW
14.8 km/h
27.0 km/h
3 Bft - Moderate Winds
High Gust Today:
    27.0 km/h @ 00:04
Todays Windrun: 4.3km
Low Wind Chill: 12.0°C
Rain Today: 0.0 mm
Rain Rate: 0.0 mm
Last hour: 0.0 mm
Rain Yesterday: 6.3 mm
24 Hours: 6.3 mm
Rainfall for month:
11.1 mm
Rainfall for year:
      1005.5 mm
2141 days since last rain
Humidity & Barometer Almanac Moon
Humidity: 73 %
Dew Point: 8.6°C
Wetbulb: 10.8°C
Barometer: 1016.3 hPa Rising 0.5  hPa/hr
Baro Trend: Rising
Sunrise: 05:38
Sunset: 20:26
Moonrise: 05:35
Moonset: 20:05
Cloud Base: 590 m
Moon Age:
28 days
New Moon
New Moon, Moon at  days in cycle
Sun Calc
Sun Calculator
UV Index Solar Energy
Current UV : 0.0  
Current Light Level: 0.0 Lux
Day Length: 14:48 hrs
Day Light Length: 15:51 hrs
Winter Chill Hours: 621.7 hrs
Solar: 0W/m^2
Sunshine Hours: 0.0 hrs
Sunshine Hours Yesterday: 6.0 hrs
Heat Degree: 0.1°C
Cool Degree: 0.0°C
Dawn: 05:06°C
Dusk: 20:57°C
There will be 1min 0s more daylight tomorrow
 Random Weather Fact

Weather Terms
Outlook - A hazardous weather outlook is issued daily to indicate that a hazardous weather or hydrologic event may occur in the next several days. The outlook will include information about potential severe thunderstorms , heavy rain or flooding, winter weather, extremes of heat or cold, etc., that may develop over the next 7 days with an emphasis on the first 24 hours of the forecast. It is intended to provide information to those who need considerable lead time to prepare for the event.